Making your own device files using E-Z Learn

E-Z Learn is a simple program which helps automate the process of making device files - the files which define the names and signal characteristics of the commands the Slink-e sends and receives for each device. Typically, you will create a device file for each different piece of equpment you wish to control. Device files already exist for many pieces of equipment, so be sure to check and see that one doesn't already exist for your device before making a new one.

How do I make a device file?

Do I really need to make a device file?

Have you checked to see that a device file for your equipment isn't already installed on your system? We have an ever-growing list of pre-generated device files in the Device Files directory of your Slink-e software installation, so check to see that there isn't a file there that will work for you first.

What kind of device file do I need?

Before you make a device file, you need to decide what kind of file you need. The E-Z Learn program makes, converts, and edits two kinds of device files - IR and IRTXONLY. The IR type of device file allows IR commands to be sent from the Slink-e (to control equipment from your computer) as well as be received by the Slink-e (to control your computer from a remote). The IR type of file is more difficult to generate, but can be used for a broader range of applications. The IRTXONLY type of device file only allows IR commands to be sent from the Slink-e (to control equipment from your computer) . The IRTXONLY type of file is easier to generate, but does not allow you to use your remote to control the computer. If you are just trying to control a piece of equipment, the IRTXONLY type of device file is sufficient.

How do I make an IRTXONLY device file?

irtxonly.gif (29152 bytes)

  1. Load E-Z Learn from the Nirvis program group. E-Z Learn uses the SlinkX ActiveX control and SlinkeServ, so if you have CDJ running, it must be using the Slink-e via SlinkX or else E-Z Learn won't be able to talk to the Slink-e.
  2. Make sure the "TX Only (easy)" radio button is selected so that you are making a IRTXONLY file.
  3. Hit a button on the remote you want to generate a device file for while pointing it towards the Slink-e IR receiver. A couple of important things to note:
  4. You should see the captured waveform appear in the oscilloscope view at the top of the program. If you're curious, you can zoom in or pan around the signal if you like.
  5. To verify that you have recorded the remote code properly, you might want to try pushing the Try button. This will send the code back out the IR transmitter. See if the code works on the device you want to control.
  6. Give your newly captured remote code a name. Use the same name as on the remote key if possible. Try to conform to the command naming format used on other device files. You cannot use spaces in your key name. Use the underscore character "_" instead.
  7. Hit the New button to learn a new IR code. Go back to step 3 and repeat until all of the keys have been learned.
  8. Save your device file by hitting the Save button. Save the file with a .cde extension to conform to the standard convention.
  9. You can always go back and Load a device file and add new commands to it.

How do I make an IR device file?

ir.gif (29022 bytes)

  1. Load E-Z Learn from the Nirvis program group. E-Z Learn uses the SlinkX ActiveX control and SlinkeServ, so if you have CDJ running, it must be connected to the Slink-e via SlinkX or else E-Z Learn won't be able to talk to the Slink-e.
  2. Make sure the "TX / RX (advanced)" radio button is selected so that you are making a IR file.
  3. IR type device files require additional information regarding the timing of the underlying pattern elements which make up the "ones", "zeroes", "starts", "stops", "pauses", and other symbols in IR codes transmitted. Describing how to determine these from the received IR signal is beyond the scope of this document. Instead, we have determined these parameters for a large number of remote / product manufacturers which you can simple select and import before generating the device file. These files are labeled XXXXir.cde where XXXX is the name of the manufacturer. For example, in the Device Files\Sony\ directory, there is a device file labeled "sonyir.cde" which contains the needed timing information for Sony remotes. By pressing the "Import Settings" button and selecting the appropriate settings file for your remote, you can import the needed pattern information.
  4. Hit a button on the remote you want to generate a device file for while pointing it towards the Slink-e IR receiver. A couple of important things to note:
  5. You should see the captured waveform appear in the oscilloscope view at the top of the program. If you're curious, you can zoom in or pan around the signal if you like.
  6. In order for the IR device file to work, the waveform also needs to be sucessfully decoded by E-Z Learn into a string of "1"s and "0"s using the pattern timing data you provided. Check to see that the decoded bit pattern is displayed below the waveform in dark red.
  7. To verify that you have recorded the remote code properly, you might want to try pushing the Try button. This will send the code back out the IR transmitter. See if the code works on the device you want to control.
  8. Give your newly captured remote code a name. Use the same name as on the remote key if possible. Try to conform to the command naming format used on other device files. You cannot use spaces in your key name. Use the underscore character "_" instead.
  9. Hit the New button to learn a new IR code. Go back to step 4 and repeat until all of the keys have been learned.
  10. Save your device file by hitting the Save button. Save the file with a .cde extension to conform to the standard convention.
  11. You can always go back and Load a device file and add new commands to it.

How Do I convert an old IRTXONLY file I made into a IR file?

  1. Load the IRTXONLY file in E-Z Learn
  2. Import the appropriate timing settings as described in "How do I make a IR device file?"
  3. Press the "TX / RX (advanced)" radio button to convert the data
  4. Save the new IR device file