[slinkelist] Advise Marshal Failed error message

William Hollingworth will@airmail.net
Sun, 24 Oct 1999 02:00:37 -0500

At 02:37 AM 10/24/99 -0400, Dave Kolb wrote:

>Does this happen more over time or more when lots of apps are open

It's hard to pinpoint. Sometimes it seems to happen quite soon after 
rebooting Win98, other times it takes longer. Recently I've gotten into the 
habit of closing the slinke server after booting just to avoid this problem 
(I have it in a startup folder).

With the general flakeyness of Win98 I sure don't want to blame Colby's 
work for the bug, but it seems to point to a problem with slinke server or 
COM etc. I'm lucky if I can keep my Win98 machine going for longer than a 
few hours before it bogs down and stops refreshing the desktop, but that is 
nothing to do with slinke.
