[slinkelist] MD Players compatible with MD manager, and switching TOSLINK

Richard Malcolm-Smith rich@ihug.co.nz
Sun, 02 Apr 2000 21:42:36 +1200

> "Thomas W. Humphrey" wrote:
> To anyone subscribing, please be sure to post the resolution of the
> question of whether something other than the 920 and 930 Sony players
> will work with MD Manager to automatically title discs, etc.  They are
> the only players

JA20ES operates great with it.
> Second, I would like to ask whether a dual-input MD player with an
> slink jack, could be used as a TOSLINK signal selector (when not being
> used as a MD player, of course) by mapping suitable slink commands in
> CDJ to turn on the MD player when CDJ turns on, and then select an
> appropriate input on the MD player with each changer play command
> issued by CDJ.  You could then use the analog and TOSLINK outs from
> the MD player to deliver signal to other places.

No, theres a stupid 4 position on the front of my 20ES to choose the
input. Slink-e can read what input is in use (toslink 1,2 coax or
analog) - but not change it, and not change the record level either.

Silly sony.. That would be usefull for copying from changers (the 2
toslink ins) and the computer (the coax in).
> In essence, I want to know how are the multiple TOSLINK inputs on the
> back of the 920, 930 and 520, and possibly other players selected or
> used by the player, and can those selections be controlled via slink
> commands from the slinke?  If anyone knows, which of the models can be
> controlled this way?

With a knob. grr..