[slinkelist] Track restart problem

Andre Nijhuis andre.nijhuis@tnt-lb.com
Wed, 2 Aug 2000 10:32:06 +0200

Hello Dave

I did have the same problem also with the newest CDJ version (occassional
repetition of tracks).
I had CDJ programmed to overlap the tracks for 1 second, while changing from
one track to another.
When I changed this to NO overlap (0 sec.) the problem of repetition
disappaered completely.

Maybe this could help to overcome your problem too?


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:51:33 -0700
From: "Hoen, Dave" <Dave.Hoen@emulex.com>
Organization: Emulex Corporation
To: Jeff Schaffer <j.schaffer@snet.net>
CC: help@nirvis.com, slinkelist@nirvis.com
Subject: Re: [slinkelist] Track restart problem

I'm having a very similar problem with the latest version of CDJ.  I
didn't notice this with previous versions.  (I don't recall which version
I used before this latest)  My problem doesn't sound quite as serious as
Jeff's, however.  For me, it will only restart the track once, then play
the track all the way through.  It will do this after every five tracks
or so.  Occasionally it will not restart the track, but move on to a new
track.  Did Colby build in some artificial intelligence?  It is as if it
is doing a little pre-screening of the song and if it likes it, it goes
ahead and plays it and if not, it gets tossed.  It's kind of cute. Like
Jeff, this seems to start happening after about an hour of flawless
playing, and the only way to clear it is to stop and restart CDJ.

I have two players (220 and 260 I recall), on separate s-link's.  Random
playlist.  I have my random playlist que up 20 tracks in advance (in case
I want to use Mini-Disk manager).  I've wondered if the hour delay before
failing has something to do with the playlist que, but haven't had time
to experiment.  I haven't determined if it is always happening on one
player rather than the other.

Dave Hoen

Jeff Schaffer wrote:

> Dear Nirvis,
> I'm having a problem. Usually within an hour after starting CDJ,
> Tracks played from player 1 (a CDP-CX270) of 3 have a problem. They
> play for 3-10 seconds then start over. They continue doing this until
> I manually stop CDJ or the player.
> I started with a ThinkPad 366MHz and then took an old Toshiba
> Sattelite Pro P75, reformatted the hard disk, did a fresh install of
> Win98SE and CDJ, and it still happens.
> Jeff
> PS:  I originally submitted this to slinkelist, but forgot to send it
> to help@nirvis.com, so this is a resend.
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