[slinkelist] New CDJ Version

Colby Boles cboles@nirvis.com
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 15:19:38 -0800

I've posted a new version of CDJ on the site. Here's som fo the revision log



Added proxy server options for CDDB2
Added right-click pop-up menu for the image window with Browse, Get Cover,
and Remove options
Playlist control does not insert crossfade delays on consecutive tracks of
an album
Drag-and-dropped images get copied to the Album Covers directory and renamed
to something intelligible by default. this means you can browse the web with
IE and just drag any image you see over to CDJ without having to do anything
Fixed problem with getting lyrics


Fixed problem with adding MP3s and deleting albums / tracks in the 12/4/00
Changed the click-to-sort feature of the columns less sensitive to mouse
Database access is now done with OLE DB to make it faster loading
CDJ now uses CDDB2 for disc identification


Album cover retriever
CDJ reads proper date / time locale
Fix problem in DB save which can cause lyrics / notes to be duplicated into
other discs / tracks
Fixed highlight color problem in lists
Added persistence to secondary sort columns


No lyrics lookup for blank titles
Fix timing of cdjr:startup message
Turn orphan LF's into CRLF's when downloading lyrics or notes
Changed CDJ icon
General preparations for CDDB2 support



Convert device names in AddDeviceText to lower case to avoid problems
Added getversion lowlevel function to get Slink-e version.