[slinkelist] Is there some way ...

Arnold de Leon slinkelist@deleons.com
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 22:44:25 -0800

Hmm, have you tried it?  It's been there are far as I can remember.
My CDs have memos on them I certainly didn't type them all.


On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 07:53:02PM -0500, David Ness wrote:
> ... of `automatically' getting a _try_ at a `Disk Memo' given the
> Artist/Title of a Disk from the CDDB without other human intervention? 
> I find that the only part of the process that I had to do by hand 
> to get my collection `installed' was to enter `disk memo' names for my 
> disks. I would think that a little programming might at least make a 
> decent 'guess' for me, leaving me in the situation where I only had to 
> correct things if I didn't like the automatically generated `disk 
> memo' character string.
> _______________________________________________
> slinkelist maillist  -  slinkelist@nirvis.com
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Arnold de Leon                       WebTV Networks, Inc.
arnold@corp.webtv.net                305 Lytton Ave.
+1 650 614 5538                      Palo Alto, CA 94301