[slinkelist] PartyGUI Wish List

PaulMmn PaulMmn@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 21:42:41 -0500


Excellent program!  I like what you've done so far.

How Does It Work?--  Since it doesn't seem to work without CDJ up and
running, I'm assuming that you are basically looking over CDJ's shoulder
and giving it a few commands here and there.


Switching back and forth from the Playlist to the alpha lists seems to get
stuck:  I have to stop playing, then attempt to flip back and forth between
views to make the program budge.

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	           *     *       *          Wish List         *
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I'm running Windows NT Server on a 133 MHz Pentium.

While looking at the thumbnail previews, and scrolling to the next screen,
the program seems -slow-.  The program appears to blank out all cells with
white, then it blacks out the screen, then it loads the next page of
thumbnails.  I suggest that you just start loading the array with new
images.  If any album has no image, blank out the one cell and insert the
title text.  This should speed up the loading of images.

Part of the problem is that I've scanned all of my CD covers myself (after
being disappointed by the resolution available on line).  I have a lot of
extra bits; your program has to deal with a lot larger JPGs than 'normal.'

How 'bout allowing for a 2nd set of cover art:  one set (the 'normal' set)
for thumbnails, an alternate set (the 'enhanced image' set) for the 'now
playing' screen?  You could use the standard directory from CDJ for the
thumbnails, and use an alternate directory with the same image names for
the enhanced version.

Can you keep the same aspect ratio as the original picture for the
thumbnails and the big screen images?  I scanned both the front and back
cover art; my cover art is 'double-wide.'  The program currently scrunches
the image into a squarish shape; it looks like a wide screen movie on late
nite television.

Switching from 'now playing' back to thumbnail view, the list returns to
the top.  Can you memorize where the scrolling left of and continue from

How 'bout the ability to select a single song and add it to the current

On the 'Now Playing' screen--

Positioning options for the timers; an option for a 'countdown only' timer.
This would be helpful if you keep the aspect ratio of the cover art; my
double-wides would look pretty nifty, but they'd tromple over the timers.

Allow selecting of a default image, or use CDJ's default (but only on the
'now playing' screen).


As a professional programmer, I know these changes only require you to
'push a few buttons' and have them all working perfectly.  (;

Keep up the good work!

--Paul E Musselman