[slinkelist] Automated ripping and MP3 encoding of entire jukebox

Jamie Cansdale jamie.cansdale@familiar.co.uk
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 15:29:52 +0100

Hi Dylan,

Has there been any progress made on this?  I've found myself in a similar
situation.  It's frustrating not to have a software solution when all of the
hardware pieces are in place!

There is a potential problem to be aware of when ripping mix CDs.  The track
seek on CD drives is only accurate to within about a second.  For the tracks
to be put back together seamlessly the ripping must proceed like this...

1) Rip the whole CD to a WAV.
2) Convert the WAV to an MP3.
3) Break the MP3 up into tracks (on MPEG Audio frame boundaries).
4) Name and tag the tracks.

I've done some work on steps (3) and (4) in the past.  I was frustrated
because I couldn't find a *single* application that did it right!

Of cause not every CD is a mix.  A solution that can rip individual tracks
would be very useful.  I look forward to seeing something that works!

Yours,  Jamie.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: slinkelist-admin@nirvis.com [mailto:slinkelist-admin@nirvis.com]On
> Behalf Of Dylan Ginsburg
> Sent: 25 September 2000 19:50
> To: slinkelist@nirvis.com
> Subject: [slinkelist] Automated ripping and MP3 encoding of entire
> jukebox
> I find myself needing to convert my entire CD collection to MP3. I really
> don't want to spend the next several months of my life being a CD feeding
> monkey slave to my computer. I have all my CD's in a jukebox, I have a
> digital connection between my jukebox and my computer's sound card, I have
> Slink-e, and I'm a software engineer with a lot of experience on
> the Windows
> platform. It seems that I have all of the pieces necessary to automate the
> process.
> I searched through my local archive of slinkelist on this topic. I found a
> thread with the good summary below of the steps that would be necessary to
> make an automated process that would rip and MP3 encode an entire jukebox.
> Did this project ever go anywhere? If it has begun I'd like to contribute.
> If it hasn't begun I'd like to start working on it. If necessary, I will
> investigate if it's feasible to do entirely myself but I would
> sure welcome
> anyone else who wishes to work on it with me. I offer to handle the
> coordination. (Or not if someone else really wants to do it. It doesn't
> matter to me.)
> I would choose to write it in C++ using MS Visual C++ 6. I could
> probably be
> convinced (kicking and screaming) to write it in VB or even script though
> I'm much less comfortable with those development environments. I'm open to
> writing a polished program or finding a way to cobble together the steps
> below in a semi-automated, semi-manual process.
> Here are my quick takes on those 6 steps:
> 1. I haven't a clue how to do this one. This is the part that
> would probably
> be the most difficult for me to do myself. I would have to do a lot of
> research.
> 2. Once we have WAV files this shouldn't be difficult using LAME
> which is a
> GPL MP3 encoder. It has a command line interface or the code could be
> integrated directly. It's very flexible and is generally recognized as the
> highest quality encoder available. I haven't looked into whether
> it can trim
> leading and trailing silence which may be necessary because I suspect we
> won't be able to begin/end the WAV recording process at precisely the
> correct times.
> 3. It looks like this information is available using the
> "playing" CDJ event
> through SlinkX. Receiving this event signifies that a new track is being
> played so it could be the indicator used by step 1 to begin/end a WAV
> recording. I worry about being able to begin the WAV recording before the
> song begins. It might be necessary to record one big WAV per CD
> and break it
> up in post processing.
> 4. Already handled by step 2.
> 5. The db access is easy once we have the unique key to identify the track
> in CDJ's db.
> 6. I don't know anything about ID3 tags though I suspect it won't be
> difficult to add the tag once we have the data and know the
> location of the
> MP3 file. I bet there are command line utilities or GPL code that
> we can use
> to do this.
> If anyone is interested in working on this (or if work has already been
> done) please contact me via email or this list. Thanks!
> Dylan Ginsburg
> Product Development Manager
> OneSoft Corp.
> 703-770-4598
> dylan.ginsburg@onesoft.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Holopainen [mailto:michael@laserle.fi]
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 7:35 AM
> Cc: slinkelist@nirvis.com
> Subject: Re: [slinkelist] converting cd's to mp3
> When there was talk about that project in this list, it came into
> conclusion that it should be divided to different areas for people with
> expertese in that area :
> 1. Digital Signal prosessing = capturing audio stream from soundcard.
> 2. compressing it to mp3.
> 3. interfacing with CDJ to CDDBID of currently playing CD
> 4. fileoperation to save the files in desired format (naming+path)
> 5. database operation to retrieve data of matching CDDBID
> 6. composing & writing ID3 tag to mp3 file
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