Fwd: RE: [slinkelist] Random play in newest version

Michael Holopainen michael@laserle.fi
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 09:13:00 +0300

I'm not Colby, but here is how I understood it :

1. random play = picks items from LIBRARY and creates RANDOM playlist on
the fly 
2. yes 
3. alternate players so there is no silence while CDP-CX???
unload/search/load disks

P.S. I haven't yet found time to try the newest CDJ version, but I look
frward doing so over the weekend.

Jeff Schaffer wrote:
> [I sent this in reply to a note sent by Colby and omitted the distlist.]
> Colby,
> On the priorities, some comments, questions:
> 1. aren't already in the playlist (items can fall off the list)
> 2. aren't from the same player (as the last track in the playlist?)
> 3. have a short queue time (what's the definition of this?)