[slinkelist] Basic Need / Question from a Newbie

Saleh W. Igal saleh@yahoo.com
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:37:45 -0600

Yes, you can do this -- there are several schools of thought on the best

1) VNC.  In your case, probably a remote control based approach would work
best.  VNC (www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/) lets you remote control a host PC.
Install the slink-e on the host PC, install VNC on the host PC, and use any
of the remote PCs to take over the host.  The benefits are easy setup and a
single set of configuration settings.  Also, you can start CDJ from PC 1,
start a playlist, close the connection from PC 1, go to PC 2, re-open the
connection, control it... without interrupting the music.  The downside is
that this doesn't handle different screen resolutions very well -- if you
have a high resolution display on the host and a low-resolution client,
you'll do a lot of scrolling.  Also, if you want to use CDJ from a remote
PC, and your wife wants to read e-mail on the server PC, you'll see her
e-mail rather than your CDJ -- the client and server display the exact same

2) DCOM.  CDJ has full blown client/server support through DCOM: a server
(slinkesrv) runs on the server that is connected to the slink-e, and a
client (CDJ) runs on a client PC.  This addresses VNCs limitations.
However, it's a bit harder to set up, and even if you point all PCs to the
same database on the network, they can still get different settings (e.g.
toolbars, display settings...) from the local registry on each machine.
Also, you can't start a playlist on PC 1 and move to PC 2 without
interrupting the music.  As a minor issue, every CDJ update resets some DCOM
settings, so you manually have to reconfigure after each CDJ update (only
takes about a minute, but kind of a pain as frequently as Colby updates

3) WTS.  Windows Terminal Service works similar to VNC, but lifts the screen
resolution and client/server seeing the same thing limitations.  However, it
requires the slink-e server to run Windows 2000 Server, and only supports
256 colors, making your cover art look a little crummy.

4) Terminal server/device server.  A terminal server (also known as a device
server) has an Ethernet port plus one or more serial ports.  Software on the
PC handles mapping a local device name (e.g. COM8) to a port on the terminal
server.  See the ETS series on www.lantronix.com for examples.  This
basically Ethernet-enables any serial device, but they are expensive
($1000+) unless you happen to pick one up on ebay or a used equipment site.
This has limitations similar to DCOM, but doesn't require a server PC.

There are some other options, but most folks are using #1 or #2.

-----Original Message-----
From: slinkelist-admin@nirvis.com [mailto:slinkelist-admin@nirvis.com]On
Behalf Of Davis, John
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 1:48 pm
To: 'Michael Holopainen'; 'slinkelist@nirvis.com'
Subject: RE: [slinkelist] Basic Need / Question from a Newbie

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the response. Please let me see if I understand this correctly:

PC (COM PORT) ==> Slink-e ==> Sony CD Changer

I guess what I want to be able to do is the following:

Any PC (via LAN/Ethernet) ==> PC (COM PORT) ==> Slink-e ==> Sony CD Changer

As far as displaying, as long as I can access and control the Slink-e from
any PC on the LAN, then displaying is not an issue - but that's the
question: can I run the Slink-e remotely?

FYI,  At each PC on the LAN, I am using a Samsung SyncMaster 150mp TFT LCD
monitor that has a built-in TV tuner and can accept coax inputs from any
NTSC modulated video signal, but I guess that's irrelevant for what we're
talking about.... (?)

Basically, I want to be able to control Slink-e from any PC in the house -
and see cover art, track times, etc, etc. If I can do this basic thing, then
all the other stuff (HA control via IR and X-10, etc) is just icing. I just
want to be able to go to any PC and control our music.

Is this "do-able" ?

Thanks & regards,


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Michael Holopainen [mailto:michael@laserle.fi]
Sent:	Thursday, January 11, 2001 4:32 AM
To:	Davis, John
Subject:	Re: [slinkelist] Basic Need / Question from a Newbie

> I have automated my home and am also on a user list for a product called
> Stargate.

Wow,stargate, so you are SERIOUS about home-automation and you don't have
slinke, shame on you ; )

> Can the Slink-e interface be used in a TV environment?

PC and displaycard with TV-out (ati all-in-wonder RADEON or Matrox G450 eTV
which have tv tuner so you record tv /video directly to MPEG2 (DVD-format)
3h = 5Gb(MPEG2 = DVD quality) 7h=5Gb MPEG1 VCR quality)

> Does the signal need to be modulated?

??? What signal TV or slinke ?
Yes you need to "modulate" PC VGA to NTSC (or PAL)
Slinke signal ??? NO slinke is connected to PC via COM-port and slinke is
connected to Sony CD-magasines via WIRE (3.5" mono phono plugs).

> Is controlled then via IR?

Yes ,and NO.
Slinke is ADD_ON to connect Sony S-Link (Control-A1 (II)) to PC and CDJ is
software to control Sony CD-magasines via PC.
Slinke (Control-A1) uses wire_control, BUT Slike-box also has IR receiver &
For example I have this stupid Sony 2-way Remote, and with very little work
and Ir_helper application made my slike user I got remote contol for my PC
DVD player.

> Or, is it better to accept that it is designed to work in a PC environment
> and then my next question is, can it be accessed over a LAN by multiple
> PC's?

Yes many users use it like that and few have added streaming to it = and now
they have their own internet radio station, and one user have reported that
he uses it via wireless LAN and his laptop in his car while driving around

> The latter is actually much preferred, because (I believe) it would
> dispense with the need for IR, and allow direct control through the
> interface.

IR is just an extra feature, Slinke controls CD-magasines via Wire and other
sony Control-A1 devices via wie or IR (wire is much better it is 2-way, as
IR only one-way(you can config slike to both receive and transmit IR
commands)) and YOU control slinke/CDJ via COMPUTER, then it up to you how
you control computer = over LAN, RF mouse&keyboard, palmtop, Philips Pronto

> Has anyone put together an installation like this? I'd appreciate your

YES !!!!!!!!
You can in Japan and control & listen your cd.player in USA.

KISS approach to NetworkCDJ is "WinVNC oy ORL" , it's FREEWARE !!!!!!! that
given you complete control of a remote computer. Running VNC equals
connecting you monitor+mouse+keyboard to the remote computer you connect
with VNC.

> and insight.
> Thanks,
> Jcd
> PS: Although I've wired my home to the nth-degree, I am actually not a
> computer/web/electronics/programmer type of person, so I need answers in
> basic language. Telling my to write a java-script app and run it on a
> web-server will go straight over my head :o)
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> slinkelist maillist  -  slinkelist@nirvis.com
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   --"Would you fly on airplane controlled by MS Windows ?"--
| Michael Holopainen | Valuraudantie 25 | Tel: +358-(0)9-35093825  |
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