DCOM is a distributed version of COM which allow COM clients and servers to be on different machines. This means that your ActiveX-based Slink-e programs do not have to be running on the same machine that the Slink-e is plugged into. This document outlines the steps you need to take in order to get DCOM set up for SlinkX. DCOM is relatively new, and was not provided at the time Windows 95 was released. In order to use DCOM in Win95, you must download and install DCOM95 and its configuration utility DCOMCNFG from the Microsoft web site. If you are serious about using DCOM, you really should be using Windows NT4.0 or Windows 2000.
Once you have DCOM running on you system, you will need to take the following steps:
On the Default Properties tab (server and client):
On the Applications tab (server and client):
On the Nirvis.SlinkeClient Properties Location tab (server only):
On the Nirvis.SlinkeClient Properties Location tab (client only):
On the Nirvis.SlinkeClient Properties Security tab (server and client):
On the Nirvis.SlinkeClient Properties Identity tab (server):
Apply all changes and close the configuration utility