[slinkelist] Please Remove Me From This List

Mike Kropp mkropp@cathouse.mv.com
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 19:36:59 -0500

Yes, that's a real annoyance. People need to take responsibility for their
own actions and not rely on someone else (in more than just list management

The following is something I picked up off another list -- I only take
credit for saving it so I could repost it.  It may apply.


This is what you need to do.  Please read these instructions carefully
before beginning.

tools needed: one Hammer, one screwdriver, one pair of pliers, one
heavy-duty pair of wire cutters, one bucket of saline water, a box of

Step #1: Stop payment on any checks that you may have sent to your
Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Step #2: If ISP is unresponsive and you are still receiving mail from
this list, you will need to find the "mailhost".  This is a machine
usually located in a locked office.  Every day around noon, the mailman
will deliver a box of diskettes with that day's mail messages, including
yours from this list, to this machine.  Typically, only a handful of
people have keys to the "mailhost".  The reason why this machine is
locked up is because this is typically the best, fastest, most powerful
computer at your facility and the people with keys don't want to share
it.  If you must, break or pry the door down with one (1) hammer (you
did get all the tools needed?).

Step #3: Find the ON/OFF switch for this machine.  Using the pliers, set
the switch to the OFF position by tugging downwards until the disposable
plastic switch breaks away from the computer casing.  Discard the
disposable plastic switch in an environmental-friendly manner.  This
will alert the mailman to not deliver the diskettes with the messages to
the "mailhost" not unlike the little red flag found on mailboxes.  This
should resolve your mail problem immediately.

Step #4: You may experience a recurrence of mail within 72 hours.  If
this should happen, you will need to disable the "mailhost" once again
with more forceful measures.  Repeat Step #2.  Don't be surprised if
there is a sturdier door in place than the one you destroyed previously.
This is due to the fact that the "Have Key" clique found out that
someone has seen their private stash of computer equipment.

Step #5: After you have once again regained entry into the "mailhost"
room, open up the back of the "mailhost".  There may be a large TV-like
device on top of the "mailhost"  You will need to remove this first.
Take your wire cutters, and cut any cables binding the TV-like device to
the "mailhost".  Set the TV-like device to the side.  With your
screwdriver, remove each and every screw that you can find on the
"mailhost".  Once this is done, the "mailhost" should break away into
two or more pieces.

Step #5: Find a large box with a fan attached to it.  It will be clearly
marked with the following labels: "Danger" "High Voltage" "Do not open -
no user-serviceable parts".  Don't worry, these labels are merely in
place to satisfy OSHA requirements and you are not in any danger at all.
Take the bucket of saline water and pour it into any vents or ports that
the large box may have.  Any extra water should be poured directly into
the computer chassis, be sure to properly soak each and every component.

Step #6: In the event of fire (OSHA has been known to be right on
occasion), douse any flames with the sani-wipes.

This solution is provided without warranty.  It is not bio-degradable or
fat-free.  In the event of sudden death, contact a physician


> -----Original Message-----
> From: slinkelist-admin@nirvis.com [mailto:slinkelist-admin@nirvis.com]On
> Behalf Of David Aue
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 5:17 PM
> To: Len; slinkelist@nirvis.com
> Subject: Re: [slinkelist] Please Remove Me From This List
> There seems to be an ongoing problem with people not understanding the
> initial e-mail they get when they subscribe to this list.  It tells each
> and every subscriber how to unsubscribe themselves from this list.  In
> addition a similar reminder is sent out every month. Each post to
> the list
> also gets a nice little tag line with a link the list's web page
> from which
> you can unsubscribe.
> Here is a copy of what the subscription announcement looks like.  Can
> someone please let me know how to make this more clear.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Welcome to the slinkelist@nirvis.com mailing list!
> To post to this list, send your email to:
> slinkelist@nirvis.com
> General information about the mailing list is at:
> http://www.nirvis.com/mailman/listinfo/slinkelist
> If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (eg, switch to
> or from digest mode, change your password, etc.), visit your
> subscription page at:
> http://www.nirvis.com/mailman/options/slinkelist/you@your.domain
> You can also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to:
> slinkelist-request@nirvis.com
> with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the
> quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions.
> You must know your password to change your options (including changing
> the password, itself) or to unsubscribe. It is:
> If you forget your password, don't worry, you will receive a monthly
> reminder telling you what all your nirvis.com mailing list passwords
> are, and how to unsubscribe or change your options. There is also a
> button on your options page that will email your current password to
> you.
> You may also have your password mailed to you automatically off of the
> Web page noted above.
> -------------------------------------
> At 01:33 PM 11/9/99 , Len wrote:
> >Please Remove Me From This List
> >
> >It is slowing my system down chronically.
> _______________________________________________
> slinkelist maillist  -  slinkelist@nirvis.com
> http://www.nirvis.com/mailman/listinfo/slinkelist