[slinkelist] Serial Cards

Martin Gotch m-gotch@home.com
Fri, 2 Jun 2000 10:12:26 -0000

Thanks for the USB advice, but my SLinke machine is an NT server box, so 
USB is out. (I am an old fashion "ISA bus /  jumper setting / RS232'n / 
plug'nplay & Win98 hating / Novell serv'n"  type of guy :^)


Martin Gotch

From: 	Pesola, Kenneth D COL DDESB[SMTP:Kenneth.Pesola@HQDA.Army.Mil]
Sent: 	Friday, June 02, 2000 9:41 AM
To: 	'Martin Gotch '
Subject: 	RE: [slinkelist] Serial cards

If you have a USB port, you can purchase a Belkin port replicator for 
$150.  This'll give you 2 additive serial ports, one more parallel, and 4
more USB ports.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gotch
To: 'SLINKE Submit'
Sent: 6/2/00 5:25 AM
Subject: [slinkelist] Serial cards

I have ran out of serial ports on my Slink-e machine to add a CM11a X10
interface. Any recommendations for a cheap 3 port (2 might be OK too)
serial card (mail order/internet) that allows "high" (10/11/12) IRQs?
you for any leads

Martin Gotch

slinkelist maillist  -  slinkelist@nirvis.com