[slinkelist] WishLists

PaulMmn PaulMmn@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 13:31:05 -0400

It would probably do just fine for randomly-selected playings, but 
for pre-defined lists, I'd still like the now-playing in the middle.

Perhaps an option to select where you want the list oriented:  [TOP / 

--Paul E Musselman

>Actually, my version of this is I'd like to keep the playlist 
>scrolled to the end. I currently have my playlist set to display 5 
>ahead and 29 past, keeping my window just exactly full. I'd like to 
>keep hundreds of already played, so that I could scroll back and 
>review them, but if I do, I lose visibility of the currently playing 
>and queued tracks. If The setting could keep the list to the end, 
>I'd get what I want, and I wonder if it would also accomplish what 
>you're after, Paul.
>At 10:57 PM -0400 9/21/00, PaulMmn wrote:
>>Dear Colby,
>>Thank you for all of your continued hard work keeping CDJ current. 
>>It's a marvelous piece of work.
>>Now, while I've got you in a good mood  (;  I'll add my request to 
>>the Wish List:
>>Once a playlist is playing is there any way to keep the 'Now 
>>Playing' entry centered in the playlist window?  It's not a really 
>>serious issue, but I'd class it in the 'nice to have' category.
>>Thanks for all your hard work.
>>--Paul E Musselman
>>slinkelist maillist  -  slinkelist@nirvis.com
>slinkelist maillist  -  slinkelist@nirvis.com