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Slink-e / CDJ Discussion Archive #3

CDJ Automation Interface Enhancement

Posted By: Richard Trimble <rjt4re@a...>
Date: 3/11/1999 8:21p.m.


It would be extremely useful to have cdj events which are the counterpart of the 'using_player'. If an 'ending_player' event were sent after a player was finished playing it would enable one to release the changer from an audio zone.

Additionally, a 'playlist_setsize [bn,an]' command (bn=before number an= after number, in the random play options)would be useful for adjusting random playlist size on the fly. To allow manual playlist building from an external source you might also want to consider 'playlist_build [p,ddd,tt|discid,tt]' which would place the selected disc/track into the playlist. Once (if) this was done you would probably then need the complementary edit commands such as 'playlist_delete' (does it ever end!)

Although I haven't fired it up yet, the automation interface looks great and the maps are ready to go. I'm hoping to have cdj servicing the 14 audio zones running under my PHAST home AV/Automation system within a week.

Thanks again for a great product and even better support!

Rich Trimble

PS. I share much of the concern that has been expressed in regard to the fate of the CDDB. I find it extremely ironical that Escient is inhibiting the number of queries against the DB. Prior to thier takeover, they were in the business of reselling the cd lookup interface to thier clients for a monthly fee (they might still be doing it?). Guess where they got the data from!!! I took a look at their product and it was MAJOR $$$'s plus the monthly fees for the updates. Maybe they won't close the door, but they can make it difficult to get through. Given the way the free enterprise system works I fully expect that something will arrise to replace them should things become unbearable. I think your getting a 2 year lock on the service and taking a 'wait and see' position was a good approach. Two years is a lifetime in the world of the Internet! Besides, CDJ doesn't give to the CDDB it only takes.

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